Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Twitter started out as a website designed to quickly send updates about your life in-between instant messaging and blogging. Blogging has been around for almost a decade, blogs can consist of the wildest things ever witnessed or simply how the spaghetti you ate tasted like worms.

But the problem is, people don’t always have a computer at their finger tips so blogs aren’t always in real time. Twitter started out as a small website in 2006 and since then it has become a huge social networking sites favored by many.

Even today Twitter is expanding evermore into our lives even if you do not use it. Just by browsing Verizon’s texting phones, most of their phones come with a pre installed Face book and Twitter app. Twitter has such an impact on people’s lives that companies are making pushes to make it a lot easier. But with success that twitter has brought to bloggers and followers, the social networking site can be used for bad.

Recently Burglars or robbers have turned to the networking giant to decide when its best to break in. By becoming a follower you receive all or most of the blogger's “tweets” and if you are able to learn their schedule Twitter can be abused.

As you can see by this graph, twitter is known for both its pointless babble and controversial tweets. Just by looking at this graph you can see a few of the many ways twitter can be used to become and integral part of people’s lives.

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