Thursday, November 26, 2009

Linked in

Linked in is a social network created mainly for both big and small buisness users. Linked in is a social network that allows companies to share information across the internet. As an example if a company needs a certain thing done, maybe someone on the website can offer help at a decent fee.

All fortune 500 companies are featured on Linkedin. Linked in can also be used for finding a job. It is said with people who have 20 connections with companies have a chance 34 times greater than people who have less then 5.

This has allowed alot of smart and social people to find jobs at places that they like.

Even though many people used Linkedin to find jobs, the site can also be used for people who are looking to find connections and further increase thier companies strenght.

But LinkedIn was not made to have one company dominate the others(maybe google) it was created to help out people who are looking for a job and created a network of companies that may join together one day and rule the Earth.

Here is a video by a buisness consultant explaining the top 3 reasons to use linked in.

Guy Kawasaki blog : 10 ways to use Linked In.

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