Friday, November 20, 2009

Social Networks

Social Networks are one of biggest things on the internet, the internet is no longer used just for p***(and that is true). A social Network is used to connect many people from across the world into an easy to use website.Social Networking sites include website like Myspace, Facebook, Linkedin and even blogging sites. The positive is that many people can easily keep in touch and interacten with them across the world.

The earlist social networking site is Myspace, for the first years of the website it fastly became a very popular online fad. Now Myspace is no longer used just for social networking, i has expanded more of a giant advertising websites for bands and or other companies.

Now Facebook has taken the lead for one of the top social networks. Face book has a vast amount of user and not only do friends hook up and hangout on the website, there are also many games to keep them busy. Another use of Facebook is the ability to look up other friends maybe if you are older and want to find friends from high school or college. Just type in thier name and maybe it will come up.

Even though Myspace still maintains over 300 million users, most of the statictics have not signed in over the past 30 days. There are so many people starting to get rid of thier Myspace's that there is actually a holiday made speciffically for that purpose (how sad).

On the other hand Facebook maintain only 60 million, but it is estimated that there are over 250,000 users joining the site A DAY since the beginning of 2007. Facebook offers more privacy then the before Myspace. Whenever someones name is typed into google the Myspace page is one of the first links to pop up. Facebook allows the user to stop thier page from being listed on google. The same can't be said for Blogger.

From now and into the future, social Networks help provide a safer envoirment for friends and E-friends to hang out.

Scource(s) : 10 things you need to know about Facebook.

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