Thursday, November 26, 2009

I am currently in 40 degree weather near the Adirondak mountins, mouching off of someones wifi using my phone to post the critical posts. Hurray for no cell phone reception.

Linked in

Linked in is a social network created mainly for both big and small buisness users. Linked in is a social network that allows companies to share information across the internet. As an example if a company needs a certain thing done, maybe someone on the website can offer help at a decent fee.

All fortune 500 companies are featured on Linkedin. Linked in can also be used for finding a job. It is said with people who have 20 connections with companies have a chance 34 times greater than people who have less then 5.

This has allowed alot of smart and social people to find jobs at places that they like.

Even though many people used Linkedin to find jobs, the site can also be used for people who are looking to find connections and further increase thier companies strenght.

But LinkedIn was not made to have one company dominate the others(maybe google) it was created to help out people who are looking for a job and created a network of companies that may join together one day and rule the Earth.

Here is a video by a buisness consultant explaining the top 3 reasons to use linked in.

Guy Kawasaki blog : 10 ways to use Linked In.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

posting on the droid

i am posting from my droid phone and using an app

google is taking over the world

posting on the droid

i am posting from my droid phone and using an app

google is taking over the world


i believe that i will have a happy Thanksgiving because my quarter grades were good. And i will die from eating too much turkey.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Social Networks

Social Networks are one of biggest things on the internet, the internet is no longer used just for p***(and that is true). A social Network is used to connect many people from across the world into an easy to use website.Social Networking sites include website like Myspace, Facebook, Linkedin and even blogging sites. The positive is that many people can easily keep in touch and interacten with them across the world.

The earlist social networking site is Myspace, for the first years of the website it fastly became a very popular online fad. Now Myspace is no longer used just for social networking, i has expanded more of a giant advertising websites for bands and or other companies.

Now Facebook has taken the lead for one of the top social networks. Face book has a vast amount of user and not only do friends hook up and hangout on the website, there are also many games to keep them busy. Another use of Facebook is the ability to look up other friends maybe if you are older and want to find friends from high school or college. Just type in thier name and maybe it will come up.

Even though Myspace still maintains over 300 million users, most of the statictics have not signed in over the past 30 days. There are so many people starting to get rid of thier Myspace's that there is actually a holiday made speciffically for that purpose (how sad).

On the other hand Facebook maintain only 60 million, but it is estimated that there are over 250,000 users joining the site A DAY since the beginning of 2007. Facebook offers more privacy then the before Myspace. Whenever someones name is typed into google the Myspace page is one of the first links to pop up. Facebook allows the user to stop thier page from being listed on google. The same can't be said for Blogger.

From now and into the future, social Networks help provide a safer envoirment for friends and E-friends to hang out.

Scource(s) : 10 things you need to know about Facebook.


I believe that i got an A for this class.
but for other classes

Bio = B
Geometry = C
English = A-

Thats all i know
i dont really like the new minus system because the A B+ is cooler looking than an A-

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Google Docs is the latest and greatest word processor to date. It consists of the most used applications such as a word processor, a spreadsheet program and a presentation program.

One of the major differences is that a few people can easily access the file at the exact same time, edit the file, sort of like an E-conference. Google Docs is used 4.4 million times in september of 2008. Originally google docs existed as a beta project called writley. But of course being the emporer of the internet world and soon the world, took over the samll company and it became google docs.

The small company named upstartle which was made up of 4 employees was taken over by the world super power google. Upstartle which was working on writley then started to edit the program to conform to the demands of google. And since the release of google docs in late 2006, the online word processor has become an invaluable resources for companies big, small and even for people who need a free word processor and be able to store documents online.

Recently my English teacher gave us a project, with the help of google docs it made it possible for me and my partner to be able to view the documents by using thw world wide web. Not only could you look at the documents, they could also be edited in real time.

Here is a simple video on how to access google docs so you can use all of its wonderful features.

Favorite Vacation

My favorite vacation that i went on was when i went to Destin, Florida. It was nice because it is a undiscovered part of Florida with many beaches and places to have fun. I reccomend it as a vacation place. It was fun.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Twitter started out as a website designed to quickly send updates about your life in-between instant messaging and blogging. Blogging has been around for almost a decade, blogs can consist of the wildest things ever witnessed or simply how the spaghetti you ate tasted like worms.

But the problem is, people don’t always have a computer at their finger tips so blogs aren’t always in real time. Twitter started out as a small website in 2006 and since then it has become a huge social networking sites favored by many.

Even today Twitter is expanding evermore into our lives even if you do not use it. Just by browsing Verizon’s texting phones, most of their phones come with a pre installed Face book and Twitter app. Twitter has such an impact on people’s lives that companies are making pushes to make it a lot easier. But with success that twitter has brought to bloggers and followers, the social networking site can be used for bad.

Recently Burglars or robbers have turned to the networking giant to decide when its best to break in. By becoming a follower you receive all or most of the blogger's “tweets” and if you are able to learn their schedule Twitter can be abused.

As you can see by this graph, twitter is known for both its pointless babble and controversial tweets. Just by looking at this graph you can see a few of the many ways twitter can be used to become and integral part of people’s lives.

Favorite Thing

Favorite sports: Base ball , Paint ball ,ping pong, MLG (lol)
Music: Never gonna give you up

Activities: being bored, sleeping, CODMW2, L4D2, HL2EP2

holy sh*t

Tuesday, November 17, 2009